Baby life hacks for new parents

1. Pack an extra shirt for you

While packing for your baby, remember to slip in a fresh shirt for yourself. After all, life with a newborn is beautifully messy.

2. Two-way zipper pajamas

When the midnight diaper change comes, a two-way zipper is a parent's little miracle. Quick, quiet, and oh-so-handy – so you can keep those peaceful dreams going.

3. Wait until baby arrives to shop

The perfect outfit can wait. It’s hard to know exactly what size your baby will need, so keep it light and shop when your little miracle has arrived.

4. Sleep when baby sleeps

It’s timeless advice for a reason. Rest is everything – let the dishes wait and soak in those precious moments of sleep when you can.

5. Trim baby’s nails while they sleep

That tiny, delicate baby hand is perfect for nail trimming while they’re blissfully snoozing. Peaceful moments all around!

6. Let go of perfection

In the early days, your baby’s needs will guide you. Don’t worry about the to-do list – the moments of calm with your little one are what truly matter.

7. Ask for help, it’s okay

There’s magic in community. Don’t hesitate to ask for help, whether it’s with meals, chores, or just a few quiet moments.


8. Borrow, share, and buy secondhand

Babies grow so fast. Save the planet (and your wallet) by borrowing, sharing, or buying secondhand. Plus, many clothes are designed to grow with your baby – less shopping, more memories.


9. Care for clothes to keep the magic going

Treat those baby clothes like the treasures they are. Wash gently, air dry, and keep them ready to pass on. They carry a little bit of magic that’s meant to be shared with the next little one.